
Friday, February 18, 2011

Puffle Party 2011 Cheats!

The Club Penguin Puffle Party 2011 has started! The Club Penguin Puffle Party 2011 has an exciting cool room for members only, a puffle show for members only, and a cool new room for the latest puffle on Club Penguin island, the brown puffle! Even free items! Woot! Woot!

 The first free item is located at the Plaza. This item is a white hat with a blue puffle on it! Look at that, our theory was right guys! Woot! 

The second free item is at the Puffle Show. To get to the Puffle Show, go to Ski Village. Once you're there, Go on in!

 Wow... Isn't this room so cool? It's amazing!!! looks like a puffle's favorite place to be!

Once you're inside, you can get the second and last free item! The second free item is A Puffle Jacket.
Amazing!!! Make sure to get all those items!!! Along with that, the Night Club Roof is open and DJ Cadence is on the island giving away her free background with her autograph!!! I hope you will find her! And check out the new room for brown puffles! Isn't this so cool?!
I also just LOVE the black puffles in the pool, with the ollies and DOUBLE kickflips! Bet you can't do that!

Until next time...

Waddle On!
-*Water$kid125*, WCPC President

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