
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Club Penguin New Play at the Stage

Hello penguins! Club Penguin has just released the old, but awesome play, Haunting of the Viking Opera!
 Lets check out the set!
Cool huh?
Theres also a new Costume Trunk! Here are the cheats:
Just like the Penguin Style, click on the viking helmet to get the red viking helmet, and click on it 3 times to get the blue one.

Guess what? Remember that "Reviewed By You" when we had to vote for the next pin to be at this play? Well #3, the sailboat won! Its in the corner of the room.

Make sure to grab that, because remember, every pin is unique and never returns!
Enjoy the play!

Waddle On!
-*Water$kid125*- WCPC President 

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