
Friday, February 18, 2011

Cadence Tracker February 2011!

Your favorite DJ, Cadence is here at the island for the Puffle Party. With our 100% Accurate Club Penguin Tracker, we will help you find their location, so you are able to get their stamp, to be added in your Stamp book!!! And of course, the autographed background, of course!
So Lets get tracking!

Status: Online!!! 

Room: Night Club Roof 
Server: Tracking... 
Last seen: JUST Left Abominable 

Cadence is a peach penguin who wheres a purple wig and scarf with headphones.

Here is what it may look like when you meet her:
She has a purple dancing puffle, and likes to hangout in the nightclub roof.
And here is the background you get, by clicking the gift box on cadence's playercard.
Happy tracking everyone!

Waddle On!
-*Water$kid125*, WCPC President

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1 comment:

  1. Is this tracker helping you? How many times have you found Cadence?


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