
Friday, March 18, 2011

New Author: Beans61050

Hey Guys,

I am now a new author on Waterkid's website.
I also work on CPPT (Club Penguin Party Time) and CPCExtreme.
However , I am not new to blogging. I have been blogging about 2 1/2 years.
I have just "naturally" been good at posting ever since 2008.

I go on Snow Shoe 99.99% of the time. I am lots of fun to hang out with.
If you have not seen what my penguin looks like , here's a picture:

I am 14 years old. Yes , I know I am older but I still like to blog about what interests me. I was picked because of "How I posted" not "How Cool I Am"

Photobucket: Beans61050Roxs (Look up on Users)
Mario Kart: Friend Code 4125-9764-0963

I will be posting alot (hopefully). I am sort of busy , so if I don't post that much Waterskis needs to @ me on Twitter.

Thanks for viewing this post and coming to Waterkid125's blog.

~Beans61050~ Author of Waterkid125's CP Website

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the team Beans! Remember to have fun, and enjoy posting here! Have an awesome experience!


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